Trout Fishing Limit's
5 Trout per day or 10 Trout per group
Deer Hunting Rules
Sign up Board
- Keep two days on the board
- Signing up after 5 pm for the next day
- Sign out areas you are able to hunt
- Cross out your area if you leave early
- Do not erase the board until everyone is out of the
woods for safety reasons.
- Hunters who wish to let others in the signed-out area
will write “Open” next to the sign up along with the hunters intended location
Deer Harvest
- Follow NYS DEC hunting rules with QDMA in mind
- Only shareholders can shoot antlerless deer during archery and muzzle
loader season
State Land and Easement
area Access
- Use designate access points
Hunting and Fishing
- All Hunting and Fishing guest must be recorded in the
guest book at the Main Camp.
Members are asked to direct all future land use
complaints to the president using Diana Land Management LLC. email or by phone
call if necessary. All complaints will be forwarded to the board of managers as